Dr. Thita Taecholarn
Dr. Thita Taecholarn

Dr. Thita Taecholarn

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Dr. Thita Taecholarn pursued a Master's Degree in Veterinary Science from Kasetsart University, one of the largest universities in Thailand. Right after graduation, she joined Chulalongkorn Small Pet Hospital as an in-house medical faculty. 

Within 5 years of working with this pet hospital, Dr. Thita Taecholarn became one of the few doctors with an in-depth knowledge of pet nutrition. She has been working tirelessly with other vets to build a pet nutrition community. 

Dr. Thita Taecholarn is an expert in pet diabetes as well as cardiac and urinary infections. She is also a contributor to VPN Magazine, a news website that focuses on advanced veterinary studies for veterinarians. 

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