Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

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A Tasteful Discussion

Like any companion or roommate, dogs — for all their love and cuteness—have habits we just don’t understand. One question dog owners often ask their pets: “Why? Why would you eat poop?”


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When we polled* dog owners recently, most thought it was because a dog is lacking nutrients (49%), they’re anxious (43%) or they just think it tastes good (40%).

Dogs are significantly more likely to eat the droppings of another species (e.g., horses, rabbits) than their own.

But Why? Whyyyyy?

We held our noses and got to the bottom of the issue with the help of some experts.

Do Dogs Eat Poop Because They Lack Nutrients?

While those in our poll thought this was the number-one reason for the behavior, it has actually never been proven. “It’s a myth dogs eat poop because they’re seeking nutrients they aren’t getting. There’s no evidence to back this,” says 

Opens a new windowDr. Jo Gale, BVetMed CertLAS MRCVS, Senior Manager, Global Science Advocacy at Waltham Petcare Science Institute.


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Do Dogs Eat Poop Because They're Anxious?

According to Opens a new windowDr. Tammie King, Applied Behavior Technical Leader at Waltham Petcare Science Institute, “It can occur where there is lack of environmental enrichment. You see this often in dogs who are kenneled and have a lack of opportunity to exhibit normal canine behavior.” So if you need another excuse to get out and play with your pooch, this is a good one.


Do Dogs Eat Poop Because of the Taste?

Believe it or not, this is the main reason dogs eat poop. Dr. Jo Gale explains: “Dogs are scavengers by nature and use any opportunity to eat what they can, when they can. They consider it a ‘tasty snack.’” Dr. Tammie King adds that “[Dogs eating poop] is a learned behavior. They’ve done it, enjoyed it, and that behavior is repeated.”

We love our dogs so much that we’re willing to trust our best friends on this. Maybe we should come out with a line of doggie breath mints though. Hmm.


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Is Eating Poop Harmful to Dogs?

“Ingesting feces from any animal increases potential for ingesting parasites and pathogens,” cautions Opens a new windowDr. James Serpell BSc, Phd Professor of Humane Ethics & Animal Welfare at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. He went on to say, “[It’s] not something humans should ignore, but it's not worth getting too excited about it.”

All the experts we consulted said that if your dog occasionally eats poop, it’s nothing to be overly alarmed by. Just keep an eye on the frequency and their overall health. And as always, make sure they’re getting a nutritious diet and plenty of exercise and attention. If you have any concerns contact your vet.

Despite dogs liking the taste of poop, we’re going to stick with the healthy range of more traditional flavors offered in all IAMS dog foods.

*Surveyed U.S. dog owners, age 18+

Sample Size: n=201

Fielded May 8 to May 10, 2020

  • Signs of Bad Gut Health
    Signs of Bad Gut Health

    Signs of Bad Gut Health

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    Just as in humans, gut health plays a pivotal role in a dog's overall health and well-being. But what exactly is gut health?

    Essentially, it refers to the balance and functioning of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, specifically the gut microbiome, a unique collection of thousands of different types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. This delicate ecosystem is crucial for almost every aspect of your dog's health, from nutrient absorption to cognitive functions.

    However, our pet’s commercial diets, medications like antibiotics, and excessive indoor living can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiome, leading to canine digestion issues such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), immune system reactions, indigestion in dogs, and behavioural changes. 

    Fortunately, it's possible to restore and maintain your dog's gut health, while addressing signs of indigestion in dogs. Join us as we discuss the best ways to promote healthy dog digestion.

    How to improve your dog’s gut health

    Improving your dog's gut health involves addressing any signs of digestive issues in dogs, and working towards a well-balanced gut microbiome. Here are 4 of the best ways to improve your dog’s gut health, and in turn your dog’s digestion:

    • Probiotics and prebiotics

    Introducing probiotics into your dog's diet can help build good bacteria and balance their microbiome. Probiotics increase immune resistance against harmful bacteria, fight intestinal infections, and provide nutritional support during digestive issues. You can try products like IAMS™ Proactive Health™ Digestive Health Supplement, which contains the probiotic Bacillus Subtilis. This helps degrade organic matter in the feces, reduce ammonia production and fecal odour, and promote the growth of good bacteria. To keep these beneficial probiotics thriving, consider adding soluble fibers into their meals, such as squash.

    • Maintain a daily routine

    Regular exercise and playtime can significantly improve your dog's gut health. Exercise reduces stress, which can weaken its immune system and cause inflammation. Finding the right level of exercise for your dog's life stage and maintaining that routine can help manage canine digestion and overall health.

    • Change their diet

    Feeding your dog a nutrient-dense, biologically appropriate diet can positively impact their gut health. Dogs require meat protein for optimal health, and raw meats rich in live enzymes can enhance digestibility and nutrient absorption. Including bone broth in their meals can also increase nutrient absorption and help restore the gut lining.

    • Environment exposure

    Just like humans, dogs can benefit from exposure to a variety of environments. This can help diversify their gut microbiome, leading to better digestion and overall health.


    Signs of poor gut health in dogs

    Indigestion in dogs is often a clear sign of poor gut health. Some other signs of digestive issues in dogs that you should watch out for are:

    • Changes in appetite
    • Loose stools
    • Constipation
    • Excessive gas
    • Vomiting
    • Drastic changes in weight

    These signs could indicate a disrupted gut microbiome that needs attention. By taking steps to improve your dog's gut health, you'll be supporting their overall wellness and helping them lead a happier, healthier life.


    If you notice signs of indigestion in dogs, such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, or any changes in their behaviour, it’s crucial to consult with a vet. While occasional digestive issues can occur in dogs, persistent symptoms could indicate a disruption in their gut microbiome.

    Investing in your dog's gut health through a comprehensive approach of diet, exercise, environment exposure, vet consultations, and supplements, can significantly improve their overall well-being. This will help to ensure healthy canine digestion, and a happier, healthier life for your furry friend.

  • Signs of Bad Gut Health
    Signs of Bad Gut Health

    Signs of Bad Gut Health

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    Just as in humans, gut health plays a pivotal role in a dog's overall health and well-being. But what exactly is gut health?

    Essentially, it refers to the balance and functioning of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, specifically the gut microbiome, a unique collection of thousands of different types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. This delicate ecosystem is crucial for almost every aspect of your dog's health, from nutrient absorption to cognitive functions.

    However, our pet’s commercial diets, medications like antibiotics, and excessive indoor living can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiome, leading to canine digestion issues such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), immune system reactions, indigestion in dogs, and behavioural changes. 

    Fortunately, it's possible to restore and maintain your dog's gut health, while addressing signs of indigestion in dogs. Join us as we discuss the best ways to promote healthy dog digestion.

    How to improve your dog’s gut health

    Improving your dog's gut health involves addressing any signs of digestive issues in dogs, and working towards a well-balanced gut microbiome. Here are 4 of the best ways to improve your dog’s gut health, and in turn your dog’s digestion:

    • Probiotics and prebiotics

    Introducing probiotics into your dog's diet can help build good bacteria and balance their microbiome. Probiotics increase immune resistance against harmful bacteria, fight intestinal infections, and provide nutritional support during digestive issues. You can try products like IAMS™ Proactive Health™ Digestive Health Supplement, which contains the probiotic Bacillus Subtilis. This helps degrade organic matter in the feces, reduce ammonia production and fecal odour, and promote the growth of good bacteria. To keep these beneficial probiotics thriving, consider adding soluble fibers into their meals, such as squash.

    • Maintain a daily routine

    Regular exercise and playtime can significantly improve your dog's gut health. Exercise reduces stress, which can weaken its immune system and cause inflammation. Finding the right level of exercise for your dog's life stage and maintaining that routine can help manage canine digestion and overall health.

    • Change their diet

    Feeding your dog a nutrient-dense, biologically appropriate diet can positively impact their gut health. Dogs require meat protein for optimal health, and raw meats rich in live enzymes can enhance digestibility and nutrient absorption. Including bone broth in their meals can also increase nutrient absorption and help restore the gut lining.

    • Environment exposure

    Just like humans, dogs can benefit from exposure to a variety of environments. This can help diversify their gut microbiome, leading to better digestion and overall health.


    Signs of poor gut health in dogs

    Indigestion in dogs is often a clear sign of poor gut health. Some other signs of digestive issues in dogs that you should watch out for are:

    • Changes in appetite
    • Loose stools
    • Constipation
    • Excessive gas
    • Vomiting
    • Drastic changes in weight

    These signs could indicate a disrupted gut microbiome that needs attention. By taking steps to improve your dog's gut health, you'll be supporting their overall wellness and helping them lead a happier, healthier life.


    If you notice signs of indigestion in dogs, such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, or any changes in their behaviour, it’s crucial to consult with a vet. While occasional digestive issues can occur in dogs, persistent symptoms could indicate a disruption in their gut microbiome.

    Investing in your dog's gut health through a comprehensive approach of diet, exercise, environment exposure, vet consultations, and supplements, can significantly improve their overall well-being. This will help to ensure healthy canine digestion, and a happier, healthier life for your furry friend.