Kitten Basics: How to Keep Your Kitten in Good Health
Kitten Basics: How to Keep Your Kitten in Good Health-mob

Raising A Kitten

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So you have a new kitten — congratulations! You’re about to embark on a pet ownership journey that could span several decades. But if you’ve never owned a cat or kitten before, you may have questions about how to keep your kitten healthy and thriving. Use our guide to get started, and welcome to pet parenthood.


Choose a Veterinarian

When you choose a veterinarian, you’re choosing a partner in your kitten’s health care. Scheduled vaccinations and yearly examinations mean that you’ll see your veterinarian on a regular basis, so choose wisely. When researching veterinary clinics for your cat, make sure to do the following:

  • Get recommendations from friends, co-workers and other cat owners, and compile an initial list of clinics. Ask them what they like about each one.
  • Visit each clinic, introduce yourself as a potential client and ask for a tour.
  • Look for a clean, sterile hospital with up-to-date equipment.
  • Ask about emergency care, hours and any equipment or terms you don’t understand.
  • Ask about the fees for basic shots and exams.


Get Your Kitten Spayed or Neutered

Owners should have their cats spayed or neutered unless they plan to show or breed them. Veterinarians advise spaying or neutering by at least 6 months of age. Consider the following:


What Is Spaying or Neutering?

  • “Fixing” is the common term for feline surgical sterilization or male neutering.
  • In females, removal of the uterus and ovaries is called spaying.
  • In males, removal of the testicles is called neutering or castration.


Why Should You Spay or Neuter?

Each year, millions of cats are euthanized because the new cat population far exceeds the number of homes that can be found for them. Here’s why you should consider spaying or neutering your kitten:

  • Spaying eliminates behavior associated with heat cycles, such as wailing to attract males or spraying urine.
  • Spaying helps prevent potential health problems, including breast tumors and uterine disease, possibly adding years to your cat’s life.
  • Spaying or neutering helps prevent the occurrence of unwanted litters.
  • Neutering reduces the effects of puberty and hormones. A neutered male is less likely to mark territory by spraying urine and less apt to roam and get lost, and he won’t congregate or fight with other toms over a female in heat.


Learn about Common Cat Health Issues

While we hope your kitten experiences few, if any, health issues over the course of her life, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with common cat ailments. Use our guide to some of the most common medical issues that can affect kitten health. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to notice when your kitten isn’t feeling well.



Most common in warm spring and summer months, these pinhead-size insects can be active all year long. Fleas can jump onto your cat, lay their eggs, breed, and spread to your furniture and to you, looking for blood. In addition to causing discomfort and scratching in many cats, fleas can transmit parasitic or infectious diseases, including tapeworms. A severe flea infestation may, in turn, cause anemia (low red blood cell count) and/or allergic dermatitis, a skin allergy characterized by itching and irritation. Though some cats become irritable and scratch, others have no visible signs of discomfort.

Luckily, flea prevention treatments are numerous and easy to give:

  • Flea collars, powders and liquid baths are available in pet stores or from your veterinarian. Your veterinarian also can recommend monthly treatments to prevent fleas.
  • Check your cat weekly by rolling her onto her back and looking closely at the belly and around the base of the tail for the small, dark insects, as well as for flea “dirt” — small, dark, pepper-like specks. If the dirt turns red when water is added, your cat has fleas.
  • Choose treatments that contain IGRs (insect growth regulators), which interrupt a flea’s life cycle. Without IGRs, flea eggs hatch every 21 days, making repeated treatments necessary.
  • Treat your yard and house for eggs, larvae and pupae. If you use a lawn-care company, include flea treatment as part of your maintenance plan.
  • Plant marigolds and chrysanthemums in your yard. They contain natural insecticides that may repel fleas.



Hairballs are tube-shaped, brown masses of hair fibers. When cats clean themselves, they swallow fur. Because hair isn’t digestible, it either passes through and ends up in the litter box or it is vomited.

Cats that pass hairballs more than once a week or that pass foul-smelling hairballs may have a serious underlying health problem. See your veterinarian if your cat experiences frequent hairballs.

Here’s how to help prevent hairballs in your kitten or cat:

  • Keep your cat well-groomed with regular brushing.
  • Brush all of your cats, not just the ones with hairballs, because cats often groom each other.
  • Try this easy home remedy: Apply 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly to the top of each paw. Rub it in before your cat can flick it away. Your cat will lick it off her paws, and it will help ease the hairball through the intestinal tract. Apply jelly for several days.
  • When your kitten is fully grown, feed her IAMS™ ProActive Health™ Hairball Care, which helps reduce the likelihood that hairballs will form. It contains a natural fiber system that gently passes ingested hair through the digestive tract.


Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

Feline lower urinary tract disease is a potentially fatal, painful inflammation of the lower urinary tract that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, diet, decreased water consumption or urine retention.

Symptoms include blood in the urine, difficult and frequent urination (often in small quantities), inappropriate urination, lack of energy and loss of appetite.

You can help your cat maintain proper urinary acidity and magnesium levels through a properly balanced diet that helps promote urinary tract health.

Kitten Basics: How to Keep Your Kitten in Good Health
Kitten Basics: How to Keep Your Kitten in Good Health
  • Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten

    Kitten Training

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    Your kitten is one of a kind, not to mention adorable. But training your li’l baby comes with some basic guidelines. Scroll on for a handful of our favorite kitten training tips.



    Set up your kitten for litter box training success.

    Introduce your new kitten to their litter box as soon as they get home. Then always set your cat in their box right after meals and as soon as they wake up from naps.

    And don’t forget to reward your kitten with a treat, toy or some extra love after they use it.


    Kitty, meet litter.

    Litter, meet kitty.



    Nip kitten biting in the bud.

    When Kitty forgets their manners and bites you or shows their aggressive side, say “ow” or “no” clearly and sternly.

    Then slowly remove your hand — or other body part — from their razor-sharp clutches. Pick up your kitten, place them away from you, walk away and ignore them.

    You can also redirect them to a feather wand or another toy or activity if you want. But that’s your call.



    That’s my hand,

    not a treat, tiny cat.



    Squash kitten scratching (and save your furniture).

    By giving your little feline lots of sturdy scratching posts throughout your house, especially where they like to hang out, you can save your favorite furniture from unwanted claw marks and damage.

    Oh, and be sure to trim your kitten’s nails regularly.


    Say it with me:

    Sofas are NOT

    scratching posts.



    Cue the cat carrier training.

    Teach your kitten that their cat carrier is a safe, comfortable place to chillax and feel protected.

    Trust us, by making a carrier part of your fuzzball’s daily life, road trips and vet visits will be easier and safer for years to come.


    Cozy up,




    It's midnight. Bring on the zoomies, furry one.
    (Actually, please don’t.)



    Curb the crazies when you’re asleep.

    Want to stop your kitten from bouncing off the walls while you’re supposed to be deep in slumber land? Try these tips.



    Did you know there are five distinct cat personalities?

    Yep, it’s true! One of our favorite Opens a new windowstudies from the University of South Australia proved it.


    To help train your kitten, pick the word that best describes them:






    These anxious felines tend to run away when the doorbell rings and are fearful of new situations.

    The key to training a skittish kitty? Practice lots of patience and never force them to face their fears, like meeting your house guests after they’ve already runaway and hidden.



    Some call them nosy, but we call them fearless. Outgoing kitties are curious and adventurous. They love to explore and get into everything — and they sometimes act naughty because they’re bored.

    One of the tricks to training an outgoing kitten is to give them lots of toys and actively play with them. It stimulates their mind and helps burn off energy.



    “Bossy” best describes these kitties. They bully other cats (and even other pets) and hog things like food bowls, toys and litter boxes.

    If your kitten fits this category, be consistently firm and make sure you play with them regularly so they have less energy to be aggressive.

    You might also want to make sure your little CEO (Cat Executive Officer) has their own food bowl, water bowl and litter box.



    Two words describe these felines: impulsive and erratic. Their behavior and moods are unpredictable, even if they’ve encountered the same situation before.

    When training, never raise your voice — it’ll just ramp up your kitty’s nerves and make them more erratic.

    Also, be sure to stick to a consistent daily schedule for feeding and playtime so your little fuzzball knows what to expect and doesn’t get stressed out.



    This personality is every cat lover’s dream.

    These sweeties can usually be found curling up against your shins, meowing loudly and purring away.

    The key to training these kittens is to never yell and to socialize them early and often. That way, they’ll continue to be everyone’s best friend for life.


    You had me at
    meow, li’l feline.

    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten
    Our Favorite Tips to Train a Kitten